Who Am I?

Short Bio

Engineer by profession: Electrical engineer with more than 5 years of experience in an electric utility company and solar industry.

Writer by passion: I leverage my experience to craft informative, actionable content that empowers you with reliable knowledge about the thriving solar industry.

Digital Marketer: Beyond content creation, I also leverage my expertise to help solar companies to stand out in the digital world with SEO content and email marketing.

Long Bio

Hy, meet me! I am Muhammad Ashfaq. Don’t worry about a long read. Here’s a quick glimpse into who I am.

Back in 2017, I graduated as an Electrical Engineer from the University of Engineering and Technology Lahore. 

After that, I spent a couple of years at TopGrade.pk, as a content developer learning how to explain trickiest stuff in a way that makes sense.

Then, in 2020, things got interesting! I got multiple job offers from electric supply companies (DISCOS) in Pakistan. I ended up joining the Islamabad Electric Supply Company (IESCO). 

That’s where I get a hang on the power distribution system, from dealing with public complaints to figuring out how to keep the lights ON for everyone.

But around that time, the solar boom took place after the inception of the net-metering policy.

Working for IESCO for the past five years, I’ve inspected dozens of solar setups and knows solar industry from both sides like questions that homeowners have in their minds and the problems solar companies face.

The thing is, I always loved writing too. It just got pushed to the back burner with my busy job routine. Now, I’m finally bringing those two passions together.

Get yourself acquainted with my solar guides, energy-saving tips, and what’s happening in the solar industry.

If you are a solar company, I can help you with my SEO and content marketing expertise.

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