Types of solar panel system in Pakistan

On-Grid vs Off-Grid vs Hybrid Solar System | In-Depth Guide

As electricity prices keep going up, more people are turning to solar power to lower their bills (and it’s a smart move!).

When it comes to solar systems, you’ve three main choices: on-grid, off-grid, and hybrid.

On-grid systems let you use solar power and still stay connected to the regular power grid, so you’ll never run out of electricity.

Off-grid systems work all by themselves, using battery storage.

While Hybrid systems give you the best of both—solar power with a backup plan when the power goes out.

Picking the right system depends on your energy needs, where you live, and how much power you use.

In this blog, I’ll explain each system to help you choose the one that best suits your home.

If you’re more of a visual learner, this video is for you.

On-grid solar system

In this section, I’ll explain how an on-grid solar system works, the key equipment involved, and its advantages.

Plus some potential limitations to consider. 

How it works?

At its core, an on-grid solar system works with your existing electrical grid. The solar panels on your roof capture the sun’s energy and convert it into electricity. This electricity is then fed directly into your home’s electrical system to power your appliances.

On grid solar system

Now, what happens when the sun isn’t shining?” That’s where the grid comes into operation. 

When your solar panels aren’t producing enough electricity to meet your needs, your home will draw power from the grid, ensuring you always have the energy you need.

And the best part is that by connecting to the grid, your on-grid solar system can send excess electricity back to the utility company.

This means you can earn credits (units sold to WAPDA) through net metering on your electricity bill.

Net Metering

 In simple terms, net metering is a billing mechanism that allows you to get credit for the excess electricity your solar panels generate and send back to the grid.

Components of On-Grid Solar System

Solar Panels: These are the system’s workhorse, converting sunlight into electrical current. The number and size of panels you need will depend on your energy needs and available roof space.

Grid-tied Inverter: This crucial piece of equipment (big daddy) converts the direct current (DC) electricity generated by the solar panels into the alternating current (AC) that your home’s electrical system uses. 

Grid-tied inverters include safety features like anti-islanding protection to prevent the inverter from continuing to generate power when the grid is down.

Green Meter: This tracks the flow of electricity, measuring what you produce versus what you consume from the grid.

Electrical Panel: Your home’s main electrical panel must be upgraded to accommodate the new solar system (DC setup) and ensure safe integration with the grid (AC setup).

Advantages of On-Grid Solar System

Reduced electricity bill: This setup allows you to generate and use your electricity, and when your energy needs are low, you can sell the excess back to WAPDA.

The result? A significantly reduced electricity bill at the end of each month.

Enjoy a reliable power source. Due to grid connection, you’ll have a steady power flow even when the sun isn’t shining. 

Limitations of On-Grid Solar System

Grid dependent: First and foremost, on-grid systems are dependent on the grid itself. If the power goes out in your area, your solar panels won’t be able to provide electricity. 

You, along with the rest of your neighborhood, will be left in the dark. This is a major inconvenience, especially during summer.

Net metering policies: Another limitation is that you still depend on the utility company’s (discos) rules and regulations. 

They control the payback rates of electricity your solar panels produce, which means the utility company could change net metering rates at any time, potentially reducing the financial benefits of your solar investment.

Off-Grid Solar System

How it works?

Here, there is no grid connection like in an on-grid setup.

The direct current (DC) of panels is fed into a battery, which is stored for later use. 

Off grid solar system

When you need to power your home, the stored energy is converted to alternating current (AC) electricity using an inverter.

This electricity can then be used to run your lights, appliances, and other electrical devices. In this setup, there is no connection to the grid.

Components of off-grid solar system

Solar panels: They convert the sun’s energy into electrical current (DC). 

Off-grid inverter: It converts the DC electricity generated by the solar panels into the AC power used by your home’s appliances and electronics. 

Off-grid inverters often include safety features such as overcharge protection and over-discharge protection.

Battery bank: A battery is also critical, allowing you to store excess solar energy generated during the day for use at night or on cloudy days. Proper battery maintenance is key to getting the most out of your off-grid system.

Transfer switch: To easily switch between grid power and your solar system, you’ll need a transfer switch. This ensures a safe, uninterrupted transition, protecting your home and the utility grid.

Charge controller: It regulates the flow of electricity from the solar panels to the battery, preventing overcharging and extending the life of your batteries.

Advantages of off-grid solar system

Energy independence: An off-grid solar system generates your renewable electricity, freeing you from reliance on the grid.

Reliability: Off-grid solar systems are not affected by load shedding on the main grid and can still power your house.

Limitations of off-grid solar system

Limited power capacity: Off-grid systems are typically smaller than grid-tied systems. This means they struggle to power larger homes with high electricity demands (in that case, you need a large system).

Increased cost: Off-grid systems need regular maintenance to keep batteries, inverters’s cost, and other components functioning properly. This adds extra cost and effort compared to a grid-tied setup.

Hybrid Solar System

How it works?

This type of setup combines the benefits of both grid-tied and off-grid solar, giving you the best of both worlds.

Hybrid solar system

During the day, the solar panels produce electricity, which first powers your home. Any excess is then used to charge the battery bank.

When the sun goes down (on cloudy days or at night), your home draws electricity from the battery bank. This ensures a reliable power supply, even when the grid goes down. 

And if the batteries ever get discharged, you can seamlessly switch to the main electricity grid.

Components of Hybrid Solar System

Solar panels: The part and parcel of each system for electricity generation..

Battery bank: To charge excess electricity during the day.

Charge controller: Ensure your battery is charged safely.

Hybrid inverter: This inverter combines the functions of an on-grid and an off-grid inverter into a single unit. It can easily manage power from your solar panels, batteries, and the grid.

Monitoring equipment: It keeps a close eye on the performance and health of your energy storage system. 

Advantages of Hybrid Solar System

Increased Reliability: A hybrid system combines the best of both grid-ties and off-grid systems. You have a reliable power source in all scenarios, such as when the sun is not shining, during load shedding, and even when batteries are dead.

Cost Savings: While the initial investment may be higher, the long-term cost savings on your electricity bills can make a hybrid system a wise investment.

Limitations of Hybrid Solar System

High initial cost: The only drawback of a hybrid system is the additional cost. Setting up a hybrid system requires investing in solar panels, a connection to the traditional power grid, and a battery backup.

Which can make the initial installation more expensive than that of other systems.

Community Solar System

One option you may not be familiar with is community solar. The solar farm is built by a developer, and residents in the community can subscribe to it and receive the benefits of solar power without having to install panels on their roofs.

Community Solar

Community solar subscribers pay a monthly or annual subscription fee. This helps cover the costs of building and maintaining the shared solar array. 

The subscription fee is usually lower than what you’d pay for electricity from your utility, so you can still save money on your power bills.

Community solar is becoming increasingly popular in countries like the US and Germany, and we may start to see it emerge in Pakistan in the future. 

It’s a great option for homeowners who may not have the ideal roof setup for solar panels or for those who rent their homes. 

Ground-Mounted Solar System

If you’re a homeowner (or businessman) in Pakistan and don’t have enough space on your roof or are dealing with shading issues, a ground-mounted solar system could be the perfect solution for you.

Ground-mounted solar panels are installed on a frame placed on the ground rather than on your roof. 

One of the biggest benefits of a ground-mounted system is that the panels can be positioned in the optimal direction to maximize sun energy production.

Another advantage is that ground-mounted solar panels are easier to clean and maintain than rooftop panels.

Of course, a ground-mounted system does require more space on your property. But if you have the available land, it can be a very effective way to go solar.

Quick Comparison of On-Grid, Off-Grid, and Hybrid Solar System

On-Grid vs Off-Grid vs Hybrid Solar System

Which Solar System is the best fit for you?

Choose On-Grid Solar System if:

  • You live in an area with reliable grid access (less load-shedding), such as urban portions of big cities like Lahore, Karachi, and Islamabad.
  • Your major concern is to reduce your electricity bill.

Choose an Off-Grid Solar System if:

  • You live in rural areas with limited or no access to the grid, such as villages of South Punjab, KPK, and Sindh.
  • You are a farmer and have a small agricultural setup, such as far-flung areas of Attock, Rawalpindi, and Chakwal. 
  • You require energy independence and can store excess energy in batteries.

Choose a Hybrid Solar System if:

  • Your area faces frequent power outages or limited grid access, such as smaller towns in Multan, Bahawalpur, Peshawar, and Quetta
  • You want both grid connectivity and energy storage for your home and business.

Pro Tip

If you’re considering a larger solar system, say 10 or 15 kW, I’d suggest going with a 5 kW hybrid system and the rest as an on-grid system. This combination can provide you with the best cost-benefit ratio, ensuring you have reliable backup power and the ability to sell excess energy back to the grid.

Final Words

In conclusion, choosing the right solar system depends on your energy needs, location, and budget.

On-grid systems are great for reducing electricity bills, off-grid systems offer complete independence, and hybrid systems provide flexibility and backup power.

Each has its own strengths, so take the time to evaluate which one best suits your lifestyle.

And remember! Going solar is a smart investment, not just for your wallet but for the planet, too!

Frequently asked questions

1. Which type of solar system is best?

If you have a reliable grid connection and want to reduce your electricity bills, an on-grid solar system is the best choice. An off-grid solar system is the best choice if you want energy independence. A hybrid solar system is the best choice if you want the flexibility to use energy storage and sell excess energy back to the grid.

2. What are the different types of solar systems in Pakistan?

In Pakistan, there are three main types of solar systems: on-grid solar systems and off-grid solar systems. and hybrid solar system

3. Which country is best in the solar system?

China is a leader in solar energy in the region, with a growing solar industry. However, other countries like India, the United States, and Germany are also major players in the solar industry.

4. Which is better, on-grid or off-grid?

Both on-grid and off-grid solar systems have their advantages and disadvantages. On-grid systems are less expensive and require less maintenance, but they may not provide energy independence. Off-grid systems provide energy independence, but they are more expensive and require more maintenance.

5. Which is better, a hybrid or an on-grid solar system?

Hybrid solar systems offer the best of both worlds, combining the benefits of on-grid and off-grid systems. They provide energy storage and the ability to sell excess energy back to the grid, making them a more flexible and cost-effective option for homeowners.

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