Birds and Solar Panels: Damage & Prevention Tips
As the trend toward solar panels increases, so does the challenge of protecting them. Among many other concerns, what damage can birds do to panels, and what are ways to protect them?
And most importantly, does it even affect the performance and life of panels?
All these concerns are genuine!
So, we’re going to examine the same in this thorough blog post.
By taking these proactive measures, you can ensure that your solar panels remain efficient.
Understanding the Issue: How Birds Damage Solar Panels
Birds can have a notable effect on the performance and lifespan of solar panels due to their interactions. Here are the main ways birds can cause damage:
- Physical Damage: Birds, particularly those that perch (rest) often, can scratch the surface of solar panels. Over time, these minor scratches accumulate and reduce the lifespan of the panels.
- Airflow Blockage: During installation, a small gap is left between the panels for airflow. But when birds nest under solar panels, airflow is blocked, which can cause the panels to overheat.
- Corrosive Material: Bird droppings contain corrosive substances that damage the panels and their surrounding installation over time. Result? Costly repairs.
- Attraction of Other Pets: Nests can attract other pets, such as insects. These pets further damage the solar panel system by chewing through wiring.
Why Solar Panels Attract Birds?
Many solar panels are installed on rooftops. This provides a convenient place for birds to perch and nest without much difficulty.
And its quite interesting that the shiny surfaces of solar panels resemble bodies of water from above.
This visual effect can confuse birds, fooling them to approach the panels as if they were landing on water.
Solar panels provide a sheltered space that protects birds from harsh weather conditions, making it an appealing location to rest.
Why Birds Like Panels?
Birds are sometimes drawn to certain smells, called pheromones, which are found in their droppings. These scents encourage (give an indication of a safe place) birds to settle under solar panels.
Do Birds Die from Solar Panels?
Birds can indeed die from interactions with solar panels. However, the extent and nature of this issue vary based on several factors.
When birds (particularly aquatic species) attempt to land on panels, they can collide with them, causing injury or death.
This is also supported by studies that indicate solar facilities are responsible for the deaths of approximately 140,000 birds annually across the United States.
Ongoing research, including the use of AI to track bird behavior around solar facilities, is underway to mitigate these risks better
How Bird Droppings Impact Solar Panel Effectiveness?
Bird droppings have a negative impact on the performance and efficiency of solar panels (especially in solar farms or if you live near a river or lake).
In fact, studies have shown that bird droppings can reduce the output power of solar PV cells by up to 23.8%.
The uric acid in bird droppings causes issues such as hot spotting. This spot is bad for panel efficiency.
Also, over time, the acidic nature of droppings corrodes the protective coating used on higher-wattage solar panel glass.
These Accumulated droppings obstruct sunlight, reducing the panel’s ability to generate electricity.
If you don’t remove hardened droppings quickly, you may need to use harsh cleaning methods that can damage the panel and make it wear out faster.
Can Birds Cause Permanent Damage to Solar Panels?
Yes! Birds can indeed cause permanent damage to solar panels.
The acidity (as already mentioned) can damage the glass surface and potentially harm the underlying electrical components.
Some birds (particularly pigeons) may peck (bite) at the wiring of solar panels, mistaking it for food.
This behavior can result in exposed wiring, which poses not only a risk of electrical failure but also a fire hazard.
How Often Should You Clean Solar Panels to Prevent Bird Droppings?
Solar panel manufacturers generally recommend cleaning panels every 6-12 months to maintain warranty coverage.
But If bird droppings are accumulating rapidly, panel cleaning should be done more frequently to prevent hardening.
Maybe every month or two.
Also, panels in dusty or pollen-heavy areas should be cleaned more often to avoid performance losses.
How to Protect Your Solar Panels from Birds?
Every problem has a solution, and the same holds true in this case.
We’ll discuss a number of methods, some of which require cost and others that can be do-it-yourself (we say it Jugaar).
Install Bird Mesh and Netting
Installing bird mesh or netting around the edges of your solar panels can prevent birds from accessing the area underneath.

This creates a barrier that keeps them from nesting and reduces droppings on the panels.
Precaution: Ensure the mesh is installed without blocking sunlight or airflow.
Fix Bird Spikes on Panel Edges
These can be placed on ledges or the edges of solar panels to deter birds from sitting nearby.

The spikes make it uncomfortable for birds to land, thereby reducing their presence around the panels.
Use Plastic Predators:
Utilizing fake owls or any other structure (often used in fields by farmers) can help scare birds away.
These should be moved regularly to maintain their effectiveness, as birds can become accustomed to stationary decoys.
Some DIY Methods to Protect Panels From Birds
Now, onto your favourite techniques—having zero cost.
Hang strips of reflective tape or suspend CDs near the solar panels. The shiny surfaces will create flashes of light that scare birds away.
Alternatively, you can place some old clothing on a stick or pole to keep the birds away from the panels.
If you want a more creative solution, place a sound-emitting device near the solar panels to create noise. This is most effective for scaring birds away.
Additional Considerations for Reducing Effects of Wildlife
Habitat Preservation: Make sure to engage a professional solar company for work. So installing solar panels in areas that are critical habitats for wildlife is avoided. Opt for already developed land whenever possible.
Reflectivity Reduction: Solar panels can sometimes create reflections that confuse birds, leading to collisions. Using anti-reflective coatings or orienting panels to reduce glare can help mitigate this issue.
Use of CCTV Cameras: This small investment not only helps monitor bird activity but also prevents theft or intentional damage by someone.
Key Takeaways
As we conclude this in-depth probe of the challenges presented by birds to solar panels, it is evident that taking proactive measures is essential to protecting your investment.
Understanding how birds can cause damage can help you take specific steps to reduce these risks.
Frequently Asked Questions
Birds can damage solar panels in several ways, including physical scratches from perching, blockage of airflow due to nesting, and corrosion from acidic droppings.
Clean the panels gently to remove droppings, inspect for any physical damage, and consider implementing bird deterrents to prevent further problems.
To prevent birds from nesting, you can install physical barriers such as bird spikes, nets, or mesh around the edges of your solar panels. Regular maintenance and inspection of the area will also help identify and address any signs of nesting activity promptly.
if you notice a rapid accumulation of bird droppings or debris, more frequent cleaning—potentially every month or two—may be necessary to prevent hardening and damage.
Yes, visual deterrents such as reflective tape, shiny objects, or predator decoys can effectively deter birds from landing on solar panels.

Content Writer | Assistant Manager (Electrical) at IESCO
As a passionate content writer, I’m on a mission to make solar hassle-free for you through my expert guides and easy-to-digest content.